Mid-Day Meal Monitoring Application

Developed a monitoring system that included a Custom Web Application and an Android Mobile Application based on specific requirements

  • Client
    Govt. of West Bengal
  • Location
    WB, India
  • Industry
    Education | Nutrition
  • Our Solution
    Android App | Custom Web App
  • Website


The Mid-Day Meal Scheme in India is a nationwide school meal program of the Government of India (Ministry of Human Resource & Development). It is designed to better the nutritional standing of school-age children. The program supplies free lunches to school going pupils.

The Govt of WB, India, chose us to develop a digital solution to record the inspection and monitoring of mid-day meals provided in schools.

We developed a monitoring system that included a Custom Web Application and an Android Mobile Application based on specific requirements. Administrators use the Custom Web App for reporting purposes and the inspectors use the Android Mobile App for onsite inspection.

  • Eliminate extended duration of inspection and reporting from 30 days to 30 mins.
  • Non-digitised data entry by onsite inspectors.
  • Ensure data uploaded to the web app and mobile app is secure and encrypted.
  • Absence of validating onsite inspections.
  • Absence of digital storage of data for statistical reporting.
MDM Admin Web App Screens
Our Solution
  • The best solution was to design a Custom Web Application and an Android Mobile Application for use by authorities.
  • Implemented a digital inspection form to expedite the inspection process. Reports are immediately available to all authorised levels.
  • Reporting with GPS coordinates to validate inspection location.
  • Compulsory option to upload on-spot photographs to demonstrate the integrity of the inspections.
  • Multi-layer report compilation with customised report generating filters.
  • The Application System is hosted on cloud servers to ensure high availability and increased resilience of the data.
Security Measures implemented
  1. SSL(Secure Socket Layer) Certificate to encrypt website-server communication.
  2. Secure access with a multilayer authentication system.
  3. Cross-site scripting(XSS) prevention.
  4. Encrypted Data Storage
Technology Stack
  1. Front-End: Angular
  2. Back-End: PHP CodeIgniter, MySQL
  3. Mobile App: Java-based Android Application
  4. Server: Apache Web Server | Cloud Server

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